This is a traumatic brain injury that is usually temporary and leads to several symptoms including dizziness, memory impairment, concentration/attention deficits, headaches, and balance impairment. Treatment involves symptom management and careful observation.


Headaches can be either due to a primary problem with the brain itself or related to an underlying medical condition. Treatment varies and depends on the specific underlying diagnosis.


Seizures are sudden and episodic disorders that result in transient behavioral, motor, or sensory symptoms. They are due to abnormally excessive cortical neuronal activity. They may occur spontaneously or be provoked, as in the case of brain hemorrhage, tumor or head trauma. Treatment can involve medication management, vagal nerve stimulation, or surgery.


Multiple sclerosis is a disease of the brain and spinal cord caused by the inflammatory destruction of myelin, the protective sheath that covers nerve fibers. Symptoms vary widely but can involve numbness, weakness, dizziness, and loss of vision. Treatment involves symptom management as well as immunomodulatory therapy in the form of oral drugs or injections.


Parkinson’s disease is a chronic neurodegenerative condition which involves the destruction of cells within a specific part of the brain. Symptoms include tremor, slowness of movement, rigidity, and postural instability. Treatment includes medication management and surgery in extreme cases.


Demantia is a chronic cognitive disorder caused by brain disease or injury which leads to symptoms such as personality changes, memory impairment, language deficits, and visuospatial impairment. Alzheimer’s dementia is the most common type, but there are many others. Treatment varies and depends on the specific diagnosis. Medication management is usually involved.


Neuropathy is the disease or dysfunction of the peripheral nerves. Symptoms often include numbness, pain, and weakness. There are various causes of neuropathy and treatment depends on the underlying etiology.


Trigeminal neuralgia is a facial pain disorder and one of the most painful and disabling neurological conditions. It is usually caused by trigeminal nerve root compression within the brain. Treatment may involve medication management, trigeminal nerve block/radiofrequency ablation, or referral to a surgeon for microvascular decompression.


There are various causes of back pain and treatment varies depending on the underlying cause and the severity of symptoms. Conservative management often involves medication management and physical therapy. Lumbar medial branch blocks or lumbar radiofrequency ablation may be recommended in certain cases. In severe cases, referral to a surgeon may be necessary.


There are various causes of tremor. Tremor can involve the face, head, jaw, or extremities. Treatment depends on the underlying etiology. A careful review of past and present medications, family history, and blood test results is often necessary. Medications are sometimes recommended in certain cases.

To make an appointment at the Advanced Headache and NeuroCare Clinic, call 630-408-6992.